WFA successfully completed 16 landscape-scale wildland fire risk and hazard assessments for all counties within Nevada, and developed a statewide summary report. We used numerous GIS layers to provide BLM with a seamless analysis of hazard fuels, values at risk and threat assessments for these values. The information was used to help prioritize fuels mitigation areas and make funding decisions.
For this project, WFA used a GIS decision rule model that included FLAMMAP results, fire regime condition class, fire occurrence data, lightning strike density, housing density and other ecological values at risk to determined an overall ranking (low to extreme) for any given area in each county. The results were presented in a report that details county land use history, fire regime and condition class conditions, mitigation approaches appropriate for each county and an analysis summary. A previous study developed CWPP’s for larger communities, so this contract is to do a similar assessment for the rest of the lands, regardless of ownership.